K-9 Search and Rescue of Texas would like to thank the following K-9 Partners and Supporters for their contributions to our team.
Sunset Boulevard Animal Clinic
AKC CAR for the recent funding of a grant request to purchase some much needed equipment for our Team! For more information on AKC CAR please visit www.akccar.org.
Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI) and the REI Foundation Memorial Fund as a "Top Dog" supporter of our Team. For more information on REI please visit www.rei.com.
David (the Top Dog!) and Lisa Barta
Jier, LLC
Animal Tales, Katy, Texas. See: http://www.animaltaleskaty.com/Animal_Tales/Welcome.html
Landiscor Aerial Information. For more information on their products please visit www.landiscor.com.
Shirley Martin for all of her efforts on our behalf!
The Yellow Dog Farm. For more information on The Yellow Dog Farm please visit http://www.theyellowdogfarm.com.
The Original OKRA Charity Saloon K-9 SAR TX was the January 2018 charity! Thank you OKRA! www.friedokra.org
Sunset Boulevard Animal Clinic
AKC CAR for the recent funding of a grant request to purchase some much needed equipment for our Team! For more information on AKC CAR please visit www.akccar.org.
Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI) and the REI Foundation Memorial Fund as a "Top Dog" supporter of our Team. For more information on REI please visit www.rei.com.
David (the Top Dog!) and Lisa Barta
Jier, LLC
Animal Tales, Katy, Texas. See: http://www.animaltaleskaty.com/Animal_Tales/Welcome.html
Landiscor Aerial Information. For more information on their products please visit www.landiscor.com.
Shirley Martin for all of her efforts on our behalf!
The Yellow Dog Farm. For more information on The Yellow Dog Farm please visit http://www.theyellowdogfarm.com.
The Original OKRA Charity Saloon K-9 SAR TX was the January 2018 charity! Thank you OKRA! www.friedokra.org
Useful Links:
National Association for Search and Rescue: www.nasar.org
International Police Work Dog Association: www.ipwda.org
North American Police Work Dog Association: www.napwda.com
Disaster Dogs: www.disasterdog.org
Texas Center For The Missing: www.tcftm.org
CUE Center for Missing Persons: www.ncmissingpersons.org
National Association for Search and Rescue: www.nasar.org
International Police Work Dog Association: www.ipwda.org
North American Police Work Dog Association: www.napwda.com
Disaster Dogs: www.disasterdog.org
Texas Center For The Missing: www.tcftm.org
CUE Center for Missing Persons: www.ncmissingpersons.org